Yup, its the annual JOHNNY GUITAR thread ....
was the very first film I saw, aged 8 - what a vivid introduction to
cinema, I was mesmerised by the woman in white about to be hanged, and
that other woman in black shooting down the lamps and setting the place
on fire. Then of course later when I knew which film it was repeated
viewings made it more delirious and desirable than ever. I just simply
love it. Nice now to have good dvd showing that odd Republic
Technicolor, with an introduction by Marty Scorsese, no less (as good as
his one for EL CID)
Then there are those tales of the feud between Joan and Mercedes on set,
it is all though oddly poetic as directed by Nick Ray. Joan is perfect
as Vienna "sitting at her piano in her own home" waiting for the
railroad to come so she can sell out. McCambridge is Emma Small the
vicious town boss who is oddly drawn to the Dancing Kid, or perhaps it
is Vienna she is drawn to and cannot act on it? The men - even Ward Bond
- are just stooges here, as Emma and Vienna dominate. Events move at a
pace as the two women face up to the climax.

"No wire hangers!" sorry just had to. I love westerns. James Stewart my favorite cowboy. I will look for Johnny Guitar, glad to find a western I have not watched.
You will love it, its baroque, over the top, camp, funny, thrilling, great sets and costumes too, and that cast ....