We have to include MODESTY BLAISE in my week of summer re-runs, during my holiday break! - (Modesty Blaise, Vitti, Bogarde, Losey labels for more!). After previous posts on Dirk and Vitti here they are together in 1966 [they didn't get on very well though....]

a selection of stills then - so many of my favourite people in one
movie [Michael Craig and Harry Andrews are in there too], even Eurobabe
Scilla Gabel
- I must get around to writing about her soon too! I was 20 when it
came out and went to the premiere hoping to see Monica Vitti, but she
was not there - but I saw Dirk with Rosella Falk (Mrs Fothergill) on his
arm! [I got to meet him a few years later in 1970]. Vitti and Antonioni
took over London in the mid-60s what with this and
even now that Op Art Mediterranean island is still a delight, and Dirk
as Gabriel agonising over which lobster to eat and blowing up that plane as he
listens to the pilots' inane chat and of course crying out for
"champagne champagne" as he is staked out in the desert .... but some
people just don't get Losey's spoof of the Bonds and spies of the time,
this though, and
UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME, were the glamour movies of 1966 for 20 year old me - we didn't get
BLOW-UP till 1967!

Ah Modesty Blaise. As a lover of 60s cinema I have a soft spot for this, but as a serious fan of Peter O'Donnell's heroine I have to say i hate it too. It's a very schizophrenic attitude to have!