Some favourite cat moments ..... here is Orangey, a famous 1950s cat - here he is terrorising that INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN in 1957. His most famous role of course is as 'Cat' in the 1961 perennial favourite (what other 1961 movie is on television all the time?) BREAKFAST AT TIFFANY'S .... we have covered that here a few times (Audrey label.). Cat is a leading role really, Audrey hated having to throw him out of the taxi into the rain and we love how he gets squashed between them in the rain at the heavenly climax ... Its of course probably easier to train dogs.

Our other favourite cat, another marmalade one, is Thomasina in the 1964 Disney treat THE THREE LIVES OF THOMASINA. Another orange cat features in the opening credits of our long-runnng soap CORONATION STREET (below right).
That was an interesting little post. Considering how, in the 'real' world I am not a big cat person, in the 'reel' world I am something of a fan. I know you like BELL, BOOK AND CANDLE but I have never been able to get into it.