While movie fans were abuzz over who might play Scarlett
O’Hara in the upcoming GONE WITH THE WIND, Bette Davis got another Southern
belle role – and gave a fiery performance that won the 1938 Best Actress
Academy Award. Davis plays Julie
Marsden, a New Orleans beauty whose
constant attempts to goad fiancé Pres Dillard (Henry Fonda) to jealousy
backfire. Angry and disgraced, Pres breaks their engagement and leaves town.
Julie endures a year of remorse until Pres comes home – married. Then her
vengeance explodes.
JEZEBEL is also noted for its sumptuous sets and costumes,
Fay Bainter’s Oscar-winning performance and William Wyler’s vivid direction,
highlighted by a recreation of a yellow fever epidemic. But the film’s greatest
strength is Davis . Whose titanic talent
has never been better displayed than in JEZEBEL. So ran the dvd blurb.

Color would certainly have helped, and you're right about Pres being something of a drip, but then, so was Ashley Wilkes (at least as embodied by Leslie Howard).