Douglas Slocombe (1913-2016), aged 103. The veteran British cinematographer, who shot a lot of British classics from the 1940s, those Ealing films like IT ALWAYS RAINS ON SUNDAY, the great colour film SARABAND FOR DEAD LOVERS in 1948, KIND HEARTS AND CORONETS, and 60s films like THE SERVANT, THE ITALIAN JOB, cult favourite THE FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS, and in the '80s those Indiana Jones films starting with RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK, as well as THE MUSIC LOVERS, THE GREAT GATSBY and JULIA in the 1970s, and THE LION IN WINTER in 1968. As with the great Jack Cardiff, we like so many of the films he worked on.

Harper Lee (1926-2016) aged 89. The author of TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD which still goes on selling and became that influential 1962 film. We loved the book and the film too.

Umberto Eco (1932-2016), aged 84. Italian writer and philosopher, whose best known work THE NAME OF THE ROSE was a 1980s film.
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