There is so much to savour and
enjoy here as the unification
of Italy ,
"Il Risorgimento", unfolds in 1860, one could almost say its
an Italian GONE WITH THE WIND. Visconti covered the same era in his 1954
romantic drama SENSO (with that great performance by Alida Valli as the Wanton
Countess). Don Fabrizo’s family – the wife he no longer finds desirable (Rina
Morelli), the plain daughter who loves Tancredi – are shown in detail too, at
family prayers and as they travel to their Sicilian summer retreat.
The classic
book by di Lampedusa (which I enjoy reading every few years) is perfectly captured
in Goffredo Lombardo’s production,
photographed by Giuseppe Rotunno, costumes by Piero Tosi and the score by Nino
Rota, with that great Verdi waltz for that marvellous sequence where the Prince
waltzes with Angelica, cinema at its most intoxicating! With Romolo Valli, Serge Reggiani, Peirre
Clementi, Terence Hill. Marvellous that the film is restored to perfection after its initial release in washed-out, cut prints. One can see how this epic has ifluenced the likes of Coppola and Scorsese among others. More on THE LEOPARD at label.

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