David Butler also directed that early Cinemascope western THE COMMAND that year, and KING RICHARD AND THE CRUSADERS is more of the same, maybe shot around the same locations, with the Crusaders clanking around in their chain-mail as the cavalry, and those hordes of infidels the redskins.
We follow King Richard (grumpy George Sanders) and his cousin Lady Edith
(Virginia Mayo – and yes, she really does say “War, War, is all you think
about, Dick Plantagenet”!). Sir Kenneth (Laurence Harvey) loves the lady, but
cannot marry her. So far, so turgid, as various knights plot to kill the king.
Then, just as we are getting bored, things liven up with the arrival of Rex
Harrison in blackface as Saladin. (This was a lean time for Harrison,
after the Landis scandal of the late 40s, before MY FAIR LADY came his way).
Here is an actor enjoying himself and relishing the absurdity of it all, as his Saracen
leader runs rings around the crusaders and falls for the white Christian woman. The climax of course is pure
cardboard castle time, how well I remembered that fight on the drawbridge … The
Holy Land looks just like California and the whole Crusaders thing and why they are there
remains a mystery. After the success of IVANHOE perhaps Warners thought another
romp with knights and armour, and also from Scott – “The Talisman” – would be a
success. KING RICHARD though remains a costumer to laugh at and enjoy its
terrible absurdity.
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