THE COMPANY YOU KEEP, Another missing in action one here, this
2012 film directed by Robert Redford never opened here at all. How on
earth could this be? It features Redford, Julie Christie, Susan
Sarandon, Shia LeBeouf, Nick Nolte, Stanley Tucci, Brendan Gleeson, Sam
Elliott and others in a strong drama that tries to follow in the steps
and look of those classic ‘70s political thrillers (like THE PARALLAX
VIEW), but is not quite up in that league.
We follow Redford, a former
political activist, going on the run (again, as he did in THREE DAYS OF
THE CONDOR in‘75) as he realises he is in danger when Sarandon (a
terrorist who has been in hiding for decades for anti-Vietnam activities
over 40 years ago) is arrested. One could carp that Redford in his 70s
is too old here (particularly as he has a 11 year old daughter), but hey
he was back this last year sailing single-handed in just as much peril!
Its a sympathetic look at the wrinkled radicals and survivors of the 1960s protest movements. "I grew up," asserts lawyer Jim Grant
(Redford), explaining his decision to adopt a new identity, get married, have a
kid, and pursue a purposeful career. Admirable, perhaps, but kind of dull; whereas his unrepentant ex-girlfriend (Christie), who's
proud to be "running good honest weed" off the coast of California
rather than doing something legal and bad like looting pension
Obviously worth watching but it could have been so
much better, perhaps that’s the usual problem with actors directing
themselves as well as a large cast in a strongly-plotted story.
It is
interesting seeing those '60s icons Redford and Christie together at
last - she looks better than he does! It would have been fascinating too
if his BUTCH CASSIDY co-star Katharine Ross (Mrs Sam Elliott) had
joined them here ...
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