Or MOROCCO, SHANGHAI EXPRESS, BLOND VENUS, or THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN - all as spell-binding as Von Sternberg/Dietrich's 1934 classic THE SCARLET EMPRESS - and lets not forget THE BLUE ANGEL or DISHONOURED ...

That's the bones of the story, as delirious as Marlene emerging from the gorilla suit in BLOND VENUS, or the journey on the SHANGHAI EXPRESS, or that mythical Spain of THE DEVIL IS A WOMAN... or the exotic settings of Von Sternberg's MACAO or THE SHANGHAI GESTURE ....

JET PILOT, 1957 - Von Sternberg's last film was also screened this week and remains an odd curiosity, produced as it was for Howard Hughes. We all know Howard's prediliction for the female form and he certainly
gets young Janet Leigh into all kinds of poses as she changes from her
bulky flying outfit to having a shower and posing in her mini tee shirt,
with that chest jutting out ... no wonder Howard kept tinkering with
this material shot in 1950 when Janet was a lovely pert ingenue, until
1957 when it finally saw the light of day and Janet was a much older
leading lady. (In 1958's THE VIKINGS her chest is equally eye-catching,
and of course PSYCHO starts with her in her bra ...)

The airline footage is terrific of course, and 1957 also saw another defecting Russian, the equally oddly-paired Katharine Hepburn and Bob Hope in THE IRON PETTICOAT farrago, and let's not forget Cyd Charisse in the remake of NINOTCHA, that SILK STOCKINGS musical, which I like a lot. The Cold War has a lot to answer for !
Janet here looks more like Wayne's daughter than romantic lead - he
fared much better with 23 year old Sophia Loren in LEGEND OF THE LOST,
also 1957. So THE CONQUEROR was not the worst of Wayne's for RKO, though
JET PILOT now has the Universial-International logo. It must surely
have been a colossal dud back in 1957 ? Of course its main point of
interest now (apart from Janet's attractions) is it was directed by
the legendary Von Sternberg ... his last credit, and writer Jules Furthman (who
scripted Von Sternberg's SHANGHAI EXPRESS and BLOND VENUS) only did the
screenplay for RIO BRAVO after this. Left: Janet with Von Sterberg.

The airline footage is terrific of course, and 1957 also saw another defecting Russian, the equally oddly-paired Katharine Hepburn and Bob Hope in THE IRON PETTICOAT farrago, and let's not forget Cyd Charisse in the remake of NINOTCHA, that SILK STOCKINGS musical, which I like a lot. The Cold War has a lot to answer for !

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