A Marilyn moment: lots of blondes on this page: Doris, Delphine, Kim, Anita, Jayne, Joni, Julie, Tuesday, so let's do another Marilyn post now and then Faye ....
One of the best MM numbers is "My Heart Belongs To Daddy" from that damp squib LET'S MAKE LOVE in 1960. Marilyn is still rather chubby here and her hairstyles vary from scene to scene, but she is delicious as usual, particularly here. "My name is Lolita. And I'm not supposed. To play. With Boys" .... as the chorus boys dance around her and she peels off that sweater. Jack Cole of course choreographs it, its one of his trademark numbers (like Jane Russell with the olympic team in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES.
Left: my first MM book, in the "The Films of ....." series, in 1969.
Left: my first MM book, in the "The Films of ....." series, in 1969.

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