Now though we can enjoy those spellbinding works with associated drawings; those mysterious faces, hands, the paintwork (that translucent glass globe in Salvator Mundi, right !) .... He was such a genius in other areas that he only painted about 20 pictures, 15 of which survive, so this opportunity to see 9 of them, from his Milan period (hence no Mona Lisa) is going to be hugely popular. At a time when a new movie tries to debunk Shakespeare, here is a celebration of another great Renaissance creator!

The show has now opened and all the tickets have sold, apart from 500 on sale each morning - people are getting up in the middle of the night arriving at 6.30 a.m. to queue, and such is the crowd that some are turned away. I will be joining them myself in a few weeks - we really have until the end of January to see it - as one happy viewer said: "it was like standing next to genius"!
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