Tuesday 6 September 2016

Poldark (and handsome) returns ....

We have had to wait 16 months for the second series of POLDARK on the  BBC, Sunday nights will be more tolerable now, as we return to those wild Cornish land and seascapes as our smouldering hero (Aidan Turner) rides his trusty steed and copes with all that drama, topless down the tin mines, or comforting his wife Demelza (or Grizelda, as a friend insists on calling her), and there are some new interesting characters too. Good too to see that veteran character actress Caroline Blakison as the old granny shufflng her tarot cards .... 10 episodes, so better order in some more gin & tonics. (see Poldark label for review of first series.). Aidan is one of these actors who certainly can wear those period costumes.
We will have to check out that horror series BEING HUMAN, looks quite intriguing - with pre-POLDARK Aidan with Russell Tovey ...

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