Monday 2 November 2015

Those "hostesses" in wartime Hawaii ...

First, that electric moment when club "hostess" Donna Reed catches the attention of Montgomery Clift in FROM HERE TO ETERNITY, Zinnemann's classic from 1953. Donna - an actress who did not impinge on me much elsewhere, is terrific here as Lorene, and has that great scene at the climax where she and Deborah Kerr are on that ship going back to America.
Then there is Jane Russell as Mamie Stover, a harboiled dame and the chief "hostess" in Agnes Moorehead's bar/brothel in Fox's 1956 THE REVOLT OF MAMIE STOVER, one of our favourite Trash Classics here ..... Agnes goes blonde here and Jane is as ever easy on the eye and absolutely terrific as her tough dame buys up cheap land in Hawaii as the Japanese arrive ...

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