Saturday 14 November 2015


We love Paris here at The Projector - see label for previous posts. I have been there at least 20 times, mainly in the 70s, 80s and 90s - in 1970 when I was 24 my friend Stanley and I walked from one end of Paris to the other, my first trip there; then plenty more when my friend Mike lived there for ten years, and then with Eurostar and that time with Rory in 1995. How we like the Marais and Port de Clignancourt areas, plus Chatelet and Notre Dame, Sacre Coeur, Pere Lachaise etc. Our solidarity is with the city at this time. As I said here, back in January:
We try to stay above politics and current events here at The Projector, as we focus on trivial things like movies and music and books and magazines and good old fashioned glamour, as well as Trash delights and lots of People We Like and Showpeople. 
Today though we are focused on the events in Paris - another game-changer in the ongoing new world situations we try to deal with, as we did back in London in 2005. London will now be reviewing its security - when we were dealing with the IRA bombs back in the 1970s, at least they did not want to blow themselves up as well ..... 

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