Saturday 23 May 2015

A Yes vote for Eurovision

Its the annual campfest of Eurovision again, now in its 60th year, and coming live tonight from Vienna. Somehow, though its a laughable show people do not take seriously, Eurovision seems to be bigger than ever. Tonight 27 countries are competing (which makes it a marathon slog) to out-sing, out-camp and out-glitter each other - including Australia ! - don't ask, but the show is very popular there, so if they win will it be from Sydney next year? The odds though are on Sweden, with a great modern song and a hunky guy (Mans Zermerlow and "Heroes" - though Russia, Israel and Italy are also strong this year. Pity Ireland did not, once again, make the final cut (but it was a dull song, dully staged).

Here I am (below, left) on Eurovision night 1970 - ok, 45 years ago ... with best pal Stan, and his Italian friend Giorgio. Irish singer Dana won that night. Of course back then in that pre-internet world it was an achievement by the BBC to get all these European countries connected by television, and Katie Boyle would announce the results on those old scoreboards. In those days Eurovision was ruled by France, Italy, Monaco and Ireland. Abba, Celine Dion and others were launched on the show. Then it became a byword for kitsch, as people held Eurovision themed parties, and then once Eastern Europe joined they all began voting for each other - the best part of the show is often the results as one sees who has voted for who. It will all be forgotten of course by tomorrow, until next time. 
Other excitements in Ireland though, as they are counting the results on yesterday's referendum on same sex marriage, and the it seems it will be a YES, though by what majority we are not sure yet .... its actually quite emotional seeing much Ireland has changed since the country I left in 1964 when 18 .... (62%),
Yes, it was a win for Sweden as 40 counties voted - Sweden, Russia and Italy were soon the top three, leap-frogging over each other until Sweden had a clear untoppable lead. Maybe the video projections incorporated into the song swung it -or hunky Mans in his leather trousers? Poor UK, bottom of the league again with just 5 points least not down to Zero like Germany or Poland. 


  1. Cracking documentary on BBC4 last night! I believe if the Aussies win they will gift hosting duties to another country, ie one actually in Europe!

  2. Yes, I recorded that and will catch over the Bank Holiday weekend. It all seems so much slicker now than in the old days. The Irish entry had just a girl behind a piano, but Sweden for instance uses the new video technology to boost their entries .... it should pay off.
