Sunday 28 July 2013

Dick plus Mark, Daria, Rex and Mel ... 1970

What an incredible non-interview ... almost painful to watch. Dick Cavett in 1970 interviewing Mark Frechette and Daria Halprin (who barely speaks), the two non-actors cast by Antonioni in ZABRISKIE POINT. Mel Brooks and Rex Reed are also on the show, Rex at least wanted to know what working with Antonioni was like ... (We did not get the Dick Cavett show here in the UK, fascinating now catching up with them, like his interviews with Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis et al).
Thanks to my IMDB pal Melvelvit for unearthing such a rare clip .... my pal Colin also recently sent me some postcards he found of Michelangelo's BLOW-UP, so here are an assortment of BLOW-UP posters for him.  We will always love BLOW-UP here (we have the books, the soundtrack, as per label), ZABRISKIE POINT is much more problematic - great soundtrack though.

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