Wednesday 17 April 2013

Forgotten movie posters ....

..... an occasional series
Robert Altman's 1972 IMAGES seems under-regarded and seldom seen now, and not regarded as one of the key Altmans. It was quite intriguing back then, with Susannah York as the writer in Ireland imagining all kinds of things ....Like Polanski's heroine in REPULSION, York's character is one that is seemingly haunted by memories of undisclosed magnitude - or is just another unbalanced woman coming apart at the seams . It also utilises a children's story about a unicorn written by York, but after the key Altman movies like MASH and MCCABE & MRS MILLER this was wilfully arthouse stuff .... followed by a return to form for Altman with THE LONG GOODBYE, THIEVES LIKE US, NASHVILLE etc.
Very Altman then, Susannah too was another of those actresses that Altman got out of her clothes ....(I see from the magazine ad IMAGES was having a premiere run at the Curzon Mayfair in London, where I saw that special screening of THE SERVANT the other week ...)
Even Delon and Schneider couldn't make Losey's THE ASSASSINATION OF TROTSKY, also 1972, a hit or even an interesting movie ....

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