Saturday 14 July 2012

A Hitchcock summer

Well, the weather is bad here in England, but we have the complete Hitchcock canon - all 52 films - being shown over the summer months at the BFI National Film Theatre - as per programme cover below. That will make a change from the Olympics...

Today's Daily Telegraph Review section reviews and comments on all of them ! - time to dust off the dvds and cassettes then and of course see some of these on the big screen. We all have our favourite Hitch's of course - NORTH BY NORTHWEST gets screened almost every week here, I shall have to see at least THE BIRDS in the cinema again - and dig out Robin Wood's book and those other Hitch titles (and of course we have Anthony Hopkins and Toby Jones playing Hitch in 2 forthcoming films...).

The BFI retrospective is titled 'The Genius of Hitchcock' - we may be over-familiar with a lot of the titles but several others of course deserve re-evaluation - I am particularly fond of UNDER CAPRICORN and STAGE FRIGHT from his late '40s period, and THE PARADINE CASE was an interesting discovery a while back - the only other Hitch I had no interest in seeing is 1966's TORN CURTAIN - though I have now got the dvd in a pack with those problematic ones MARNIE and FRENZY ... we will see ...

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