Saturday 10 September 2011

R.I.P: Cliff Robertson

Cliff Robertson (1923-2011). Another leading man from my youth departs, but at the good age of 88. I highly rate his Michael Courtland in De Palma's OBSESSION - a movie I loved in 1976 [and a "Movie I Love" on here, see label]. Robertson has been around since I more or less began going to the movies - those early roles in PICNIC, AUTUMN LEAVES with Joan Crawford, GIDGET with Sandra Dee - the height of teendom in 1959 when I was 13 - and his stint as JFK in PT109.

For a while there he seemed interchangeable with James Garner or Rod Taylor (all "amiable 60s leading men" as the reference books would say). Somehow I never wanted to see his Oscar-winning turn in CHARLEY but he was terrific in THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR, and of course he stars opposite Lana in one of the great guilty pleasures: LOVE HAS MANY FACES! I saw one of his lesser 70s movies last week: OUT OF SEASON made in England where he is the guy between Vanessa Redgrave and Susan George! Looking at his credits it is a long career to which most of today's young actors can only aspire.

William Holden is generally considered too old for his role of the drifter in PICNIC but the pal he visits, Robertson, was also in his 30s then - also playing a character meant to be at least 10 years younger than he was. He was married to the lovely Dina Merrill.

Oh, those prudish '50s!

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