Tuesday 14 June 2011

White jeans and a new BLOW-UP book !

A terrific image from that favourite movie of mine BLOW-UP with David Hemmings in those white jeans. I wore white jeans too then - we all did, when worn well and kept clean they were just cool and such a change to blue jeans.

From a new book I have just ordered, yet another BLOW-UP book - I already have about half a dozen (as per Antonioni label), this one is ANTONIONI'S BLOW-UP by Philippe Garner and David Alan Mellor. I can't wait ... good that there are still things to say about Antonioni's masterwork. I for one can't get enough of Hemmings in the park and those studio scenes and the London I knew then - I lived near the restaurant in Chelsea too. That was me on the screen when I was 21, its how we looked and dressed. Key '60s stuff then.

I have a new clutch of '60s movies to (re)watch too: KING RAT, MORGAN, ISADORA, THE MAGIC CHRISTIAN, BEDAZZLED, THE MUSIC LOVERS ... more on those in due course.

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