Friday 8 April 2011

Elizabeth in Vogue

A lovely shot of Elizabeth in 1967 for "The Sixties in Vogue". Plus perhaps the only time Liz and Marilyn were in the same room? at a Sinatra gig in 1961 - this may be a faked picture, but it looks like how they looked at that time. A later shot of Liz and Bette. There is also a picture of Elizabeth and Sophia Loren [which I cannot find now...] taken at the Poni's villa circa 1973 when Burton was making that film with Sophia, De Sica's THE VOYAGE - which did not work for any of them; and of course she looked so perfect in that shot on location for GIANT and THE SANDPIPER....
My report on seeing her, Burton and Losey in 1970 is detailed at Joseph Losey label.

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