Monday 6 September 2010

Magazines (7) - another trawl through the archives!

Many thanks to Cristina in New York for sending the 1984 Truffaut issue of CAHIERS DU CINEMA. This 1963 'monograph' on Antonioni, which I got when I was 17, must be the about the first English publication on him - I had lost it for years but found it in a box in the garage the other week. Terrific! Fascinating too to read Pauline Kael's long essay "Fantasies of the Art House Audience" in this 1962 SIGHT & SOUND (its reprinted in her 'I Lost It At The Movies' book), and some other assorted covers - I have written about FILMS & FILMING, MOVIE and WHO'S WHO IN HOLLYWOOD 1966 previously. I wish I had kept more of those late '70s/early '80s AFTER DARK magazines - they are like messages from an exotic vanished world now.

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